Benefits and harms of running as varicose veins

Varicose veins and lower extremities – difficult and unpleasant disease, but it is not a phrase familiar with the lifestyle, if approached intelligently treatment. The same running as varicose veins quite right there, but only if several important conditions.

Is it possible, that when the veins of the legs run?

running as varicose veins

Varicose veins to capture the varicose veins on the legs – this is a disease that develops for years and decades, imperceptibly lead to negative changes to the feel and possibilities of the patient. This complex includes a number of unpleasant or painful signs that lead to sick discomfort in daily life, and, first of all, it is a feeling of heaviness in the legs.

In addition, many of the sick complain of such symptoms such as inner sense of abundance in the legs, burning sensations, and even night cramps in the calf muscles, which is caused by the fact that blood vessels continues to expand and inflammation.

Heavier but these characters, how and soft-tissue edema, which are published just in the evening after an active working day, therefore, if you can talk about running if varicose veins on the legs, then only in the morning, when the muscles, veins and tissues are rested and fresh.

Now, as regards the very fact of the implementation of running: during running, when the varicose veins are not prohibited, but is allowed unique – all depends on, ultimately, from the opinion of the treating physician.

Specialist must be to accommodate all the parameters of the patient's status, including the weight (the likelihood of obesity), the function of the respiratory and cardiovascular system, as far as hitting the venous network and other similar factors, and only he can be allowed to run if the varicose veins – each independence by a patient can be fraught with complications.

How much can be useful for running when the varicose veins?

Since the disease itself is running when the varicose veins of the lower extremities does not help, of course: this disease struggling surgery and addiction in a way, adding to the long effort to achieve a result.

On the other hand, if the received confirmation of the doctor, the compatibility of running and the pathology is pretty clear, because this kind of physical activity a positive impact on overall patient status.

For example, regular jogging in the morning include:

  • strengthens the heart muscles;
  • to normalize the blood flow to the feet, and of them;
  • reduce excessive weight, which creates tension in the lower part;
  • strengthen the bone system;
  • improves blood oxygenation;
  • the immune system to activate the forces of the body.

No wonder that professionals of all directed to believe that running strengthened health and improve the overall tone and feel, so that the one who began this kind of sport is amateur level, have the right to expect rapid improvement of your current disease.

There is a balance provided to the body effect of this action is estimated to be equal to, for example, more specific ski running or swimming, which not all are suitable, so if varicose veins run can be almost everything.

Technique of execution of the cross country exercises

So as the complexity of the status of the venous network of the feet cannot be off the plan is to run activities, it is necessary to correctly approach the all of the technology running, to running and varicose veins complement each other harmoniously.

It is best to support the knowledge of the doctors and coaches, who will help choose the optimal load in each individual case, as well as to monitor the patient's condition.

First of all, should be to stay the pace and distance: the best of all is to run, jog in a calm (low or average) pace, choosing the short distance to the evenly coated and relief. The optimal time to one of the jog – not more than 20 minutes, because further actions will no longer give the necessary effect on health.

Consideration should also be given several other important parameters:

  • maximum pulse load, time – 120 beats per minute, and control it the entire distance;
  • go for a jog better in the morning on an empty stomach, on hot days choosing this kind of time, where the air is not yet heated;
  • the frequency of the classes will be selected individually, but in the early stages of the best limited to three or four repetitions a week;
  • the lightest sign of fatigue or over-voltage (general or feet) will be discontinued in the workload and rest, with which to cancel the task the next time.

Note! Many doctors today believe that running the first sign of the disease – bruised and sprockets on the skin – can prevent further development of varicose veins the blood vessels and veins, or at least soften the consequences, therefore, recommend to do this also for preventive purposes.



Shoes, too, should be coordinated with your doctor, as a specialist in diseases of the feet familiar with it, what models and varieties are the best to wear both or otherwise patients.

All the massive, difficult or hard (rigid) tennis shoes and ketsid – is certainly forbidden, because them to the patient to run is difficult, and instead, the performance of energy he returned home broken and tired, so characteristic of varicose veins.

When choosing sneakers is to run need to focus on, not their trendy appearance and structure and material production: it must be soft sneakers, sewn of natural leather, equipped with mandatory orthopedic footbed.

Not less important is to pay attention to having good perforation, in order to ensure fresh air inflow and to reduce the temperature, as overheated feet lead to the appearance of swollen is the shins and the ankles.

Contraindications running

Direct contraindications to the hobby of running and not so much: first of all, it is obesity – if bmi is over 25, jogging need to be replaced just the active attendance of. The same also applies to patients with diseases of bone and joint diseases, in which so sudden movements full of negative consequences.

If the pathology of the cardiovascular and respiratory system should consult their doctor to determine the maximum allowable load, but in this case, the activities can be considered conditionally prohibited or undesirable. Finally ran on the street would be better replaced by mechanized track with gymnasium, if the patient is currently problems with the eyesight or the coordination space.